02 Mar Bones Fest III Video Highlights
Video highlights from Bones Fest III when the Rhythm Bones Society was organized. This is a higher resolution version that replaces a previous version. ...
Video highlights from Bones Fest III when the Rhythm Bones Society was organized. This is a higher resolution version that replaces a previous version. ...
Recently found this movie clip on Scott' Miller's 'Bones Dry Musical Instrument Co' website.. Julie Andrews and Dick Van Dyke sing this song with a cartoon band with a rhythm bones player. Click HERE to watch it. it ...
Sandor Slomovits has written a great article on Percy Danforth complete with images we have not seen before. ...
Tom Connolly edited this history of the Rhythm Bones Society for our 25th Anniversary Celebration. ...
I learned of Bill's passing from Tom Connolly who read about it on his wife Stacey''s Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/search/top?q=stacey%20vits). Below are posts from members of the rhythm bones community, and others will be added as people react to the news (email via our Contact...
I ran across an interesting website that talked about the discovery of a Neanderthal flute that is 60,000 years old making it the oldest flute ever discovered. I don't have the background to dispute this claim, but if it be true the flute is...
"FROM MAREMMA (TUSCANY) TO TENNESSEE or FROM WOODEN CASTANETS TO BONE CASTANETS"Short documentary on the use and tradition of castanets (gnacchere) in Tuscany and in the United States (here called "bones"). The document was prepared on the occasion of the presentation in Grosseto of the...
New member, Dennis Devine, saw Percy Danforth play at the 1977 Florida Folk Festival, and said he did not realize his importance at that time. He found this photograph and a great recording of Percy playing both from the Festival at the website of...
The Bush Music Club, based in Sydney, is the oldest folk club in Australia and, arguably, one of the oldest folk clubs in the world. It has been actively promoting Australian folk traditions for over 60 years. Club member Sandra Nixon sent a...