This is the email that was sent on September 25, 2024 to Announce our 25 Anniversary. The two bottom images had links to Tom Connolly's RBS History pdf and Mike Baxter's 2024 RBS Ensemble video. ...

"FROM MAREMMA (TUSCANY) TO TENNESSEE or FROM WOODEN CASTANETS TO BONE CASTANETS"Short documentary on the use and tradition of castanets (gnacchere) in Tuscany and in the United States (here called "bones"). The document was prepared on the occasion of the presentation in Grosseto of the...

We had a wonderful fleadh by the feale 2022. And our grand finale last night was the all Ireland senior and junior bones competition. We had 9 competitors and 3 of those were from USA. The senior result is as follows 1st James Yoshizawa from...