For those interested in Ted "Mr Goon-Bones" Goon, His Exhibit in the Museum has been been updated with a lost page titled Ted Goon - Anthology of of His Recordings that lists with comments 35 of his 36 known recordings. ...

There is good and not so good news this February.  The good news is the last issue of the Rhythm Bones Player newsletter for 2024 is posted with another article by Tom Connolly, Preliminary Bones Fest XXIX information, an interesting story by our BFXXIX host...

Walter Messick passed away on February 28, 2022, and his formal obituary is at He was primarily a creator and seller of handcrafted dulcimers, and his instruments won numerous awards and were sold around the world.He also made a variety of other folk instruments...

Wilma Myers, wife of the late Russ Myers, passed away on September 12, 2024 as reported to us by her daughter, Jennifer. Russ and Wilma were hosts for Bones Fest III where the Rhythm Bones Society was founded. We did not get Wilma on stage,...

Dr Jerry Barnett passed away today, October 20, 2024. Jerry was a regular at the NTCMA Festival winning the the Bones and Spoons Competition and was inducted into their Old Time Hall of Fame. We first met Jerry at Bones Fest IV and he...