I am excited to find this website about rhythm bone playing. Rhythm bones have been in our family for years. My grandfather, Chet Davids played for dances while shearing sheep on the desserts of Idaho and surrounding area. His rhythm bones are made of ebony.
My father, Theron Davids, then taught himself to play them as they were setting around his home. He played with an orchestra in Chesterfield, Idaho for years. Chesterfield is on the national historical register and is visited by many each summer. The restoration group have rebuilt the original recreation hall on the town site.
My brother Paul Davids and I have been playing with a band there this summer. Paul has a metal set of rhythm bones and a pair of ivory rhythm bones. I started to play rhythm bones in 1963, it was my talent in a Miss Caribou County Pageant. My father taught me his techniques and his enthusiasm for the art.
We really have never met anyone who plays rhythm bones. We are glad to hear about so many who love rhythm bones. We play to any music that we feel the beat to. My nieces are starting to play with me now. We played at the county fair in August; it was fun to share the time with them. Three of my brother’s children play rhythm bones. I would like to have family Bone Fests. I need to work on that. I would like to come to a Bone Fest sometime. It sounds like a fun, fun time. I have always thought that I would like to have music arranged specifically for rhythm bones and for a group playing to an arrangement. I think it would be great. Shirley Christensen