Make or Buy Rhythm Bones
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Make or Buy Rhythm Bones
Page Contents
The “What are Rhythm Bones” page has a photograph of many types of rhythm bones as well as a video demonstrating the sounds they make.
Our members and a few others who make or sell rhythm bones and related items set up tables at every Bones Fest, and you can try out rhythm bones until you find the sound you are looking for. Shown here are Scott Miller, standing, and Randy Sepalla. Sellers are in US except as noted.
Steve Brown Bones (various woods)
Rick Fogel (Whamdiddle Bones)
Jim Hesch (Triskele Rhythm Bones)
Mardeen Gordon (Shooting Star)
Malachy Kearns – Ireland – (Roundtree Musical Instruments)
Jeff Mendes (The American Songster Jamaican Rhythm Bones)
Robi Kessler – Switzerland – (Chlefeli)
Adam Klein (various woods)
Sandor Slomovits (Danforth Rhythm Bones)
Hans Weehuizer – Netherlands – (Steam Bent Wood)
Wolf Hill Woodworking (Steam Bent Wood)