Join the Rhythm Bones Society
The Rhythm Bones Society is an IRS 501c(3) non-profit educational society formed for the purpose of “the continuation, promotion, and improvement of the rhythm bones (an ancient musical instrument) as declared in the By-Laws of the Society. In order to preserve, educate and communicate and foster development of bones playing sounds and music, the Society sponsors an annual festival, a newsletter and a website.
The Society was organized during a business meeting at Bones Fest III. Participants voted unanimously to form a non-profit society, and by-laws were approved and signed by all present.To distinguish musical bone players from archeological boners, osteopaths, trombone, domino and die players, and with the permission of Joe Birl, the holder of the Rhythm Bones trademark who attended the meeting, the association selected “Rhythm Bones Society” for its name and elected a Board of Directors and slate of officers. The Board currently comprises:
Tom Connolly
RBS needs your support to continue to educate the public about rhythm bones (primarily with this website), teach rhythm bones to beginners, publish a quality newsletter, host an annual Bones Fest, and provide a forum where members and non-members can exchange rhythm bones information. Members of the the Rhythm Bones Society receive a printed copy of our quarterly newsletter
There are two ways to join
1. Mail a check for $20 payable to the Rhythm Bones society to Rhythm Bones Society, 1060 Lower Brow Road, Signal Mtn, TN 37377.
2. Click on the BUY NOW button below and you will be taken to PayPal to join. Note that you do not have to be a member of PayPal to use them as they accept major credit cards. Welcome to the Rhythm Bones Society, and we hope to see you at the next Bones Fest. Your first newsletter will be in the mail soon.